サカモトデイズ 161 RAW – SAKAMOTO DAYS 161 RAW


-good chapter
-Shishiba is talking about Amane father and why he killed him
-Amane shocked but he said he understand and it must not be personal
-Reaper attacked shishiba from behind and did deep wound and shishiba fell


-Osaragi Came from the ground cut a circle below Reaper and brought him down then we saw his flesh cut and thrown out from the hole in the ground.… hand head etc.

-Osaragi hold Amane’s neck and said to him u must die because of him Shishiba died
-Nagamu “why he is not dead, it pierced his heart”

-UZUKI said “Funny look at these two fools, I noticed you havent changed much like Sakamoto” while laughing

-Nagamu said “Akao” black frame

Chapter end

  • サカモトデイズ 161raw, サカモトデイズ 161raw, サカモトデイズ 161raw, サカモトデイズ 161話 raw, サカモトデイズ 161話 raw, サカモトデイズ 161, サカモトデイズ161raw. Sakamoto Days 161raw, Sakamoto Days 161, Sakamoto Days raw 161, Sakamoto Days Chapter 161raw.

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