ワンピース1139話 Raw – 早ければ「spoilerjjk.com」に更新される予定です。最新情報については、引き続き当社の Web サイトをご覧ください
章の詳細は自分で書きました。とても短い章で、たったの 13 ページです。
- 1,139 章:「山を食らう者」
- 鬼の子ヤマトの黄金収穫代理巡礼、第 25 巻:「2 人の反逆者は捕らえられた。」
2 人の影の人物がフーズ フーの前に連れてこられました。彼は彼らを罰するために刀を抜こうとしています。2 人の人物には角があり、似ていることから、彼らはウルティとページ ワンであると思われます。 - 章はルフィと彼のグループが「オースト城」にいるところから始まります。巨人の警備員はロキの鍵がどこにあるかを知らなかったので、ルフィとグループは捜索を続けます。しかし、城が大きすぎるため、何も見つかりません。
- その後、彼らは「玉座の間」を発見し、そこに入ります。彼らは天井に穴があることに気づき、次に床に巨大な魔法陣を目にします。
ロード「なんでそんなものが『王の間』にあるんだよ…? 不気味だ…!!」
ルフィ「最近、こんなのを見た気がする…」 - 突然、声が彼らを呼ぶ。
ルフィ「え!? 誰だ!? 悪魔だ!?」
ナミ「悪魔なんて存在しない! 誰だ!?」
ロード「もしかして死者の霊か~~~!!?」 - 巨大な斧がロードに飛んできて、辛うじてそれをかわす。すると、ルフィとゾロがロードの手から飛び降り、ルフィは腕を伸ばして落ちそうになったナミを掴む(その後、ルフィはナミをゾロに託し、ゾロは彼女を抱き上げる)。前章の謎の男が玉座に座る。
-「ヤさん」は明らかに「ロジャー海賊団」の「スコッパー・ギャバン」です。ヤッサンもおでんの回想シーンで見たのと同じ長髪でサングラスをかけているが、今は大きくて長いあごひげ(三つ編み)と額の傷(「炎」のような形をしている)がある。アロハシャツとショートパンツも着ている。 - ロードはヤッサンがリプリーの夫でコロンの父親だと説明し、ナミはどうしてそんなことが可能なの?と尋ねる。ヤッサンが玉座から降りてきて彼らと話す。
やっさん「“赤髪”シャンクスに捕らわれるまで、ロキを止められた者は誰もいなかった。どんな力を持っていて、どれだけの被害を及ぼせるかも知らないのに…ちょっと待って!!」 - ルフィとゾロは振り返り、ヤッサンの話が長くなりすぎていると言って無視します(笑)ナミはヤッサンが警告しようとしているので注意を払うべきだと言います。ロードはヤッサンに謝罪します。
- ヤッサン最初はショックを受けますが、ロジャーとレイリーと過ごした時間を思い出して笑顔になります。その後、3人についてのちょっとした回想シーンを見ることができます。
- ロジャー:「警告はもう飽きた!!怖いだろう!?」
- レイリー/ギャバン:「そんなこと言ってないよ」
- ロジャー:「止めたいならやってみろ!!」
- ギャバン:「リスクを知ることが大事だって言ってるんだ!!ロジャー、バカ!!」
- ヤッサン(出席者): 「ロード…あの玉座を押して。」
- 村でのパーティーに切り替わる。オイモがウソップたちにヤッサンについて話している。
でもあの男はたった2本の斧で何百人もの敵を倒した。戦いの後、あの山には木が1本も残っていなかった・・・そのため彼は「山喰い」というあだ名をつけられたんだ。」 - 章の最後の素晴らしい見開きページで「オーラスト城」に戻る。ロードはルフィたちを両手に抱え、玉座の下の秘密の通路を通って降りていく。階段は秘密の宝物庫へと続いている。
やさん:「探検は趣味なんだ。」 - 宝物庫に到着した一行…だが、部屋の宝物はすべてなくなっていて、宝箱も空っぽ。部屋の中央に鍵が1つだけ残っている。
やっさん:「そうだ、あの泥棒たちも欲しがらなかったものだ…」 - しかしルフィが鍵に辿り着く前に、やっさんが鍵に飛びつく。そしてローブと傘を脱ぎ始める…
やっさん:「つまり…『ロキの解放』は悪党たちも望まないものだ」 - 再び村のパーティに切り替わる。おいもと香椎が「ロジャー海賊団」の男の話を終える。

More details of the chapter by myself. Very short chapter, only 13 pages.
- Chapter 1,139: “Mountain Eater”
-Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 25: “The two rebels have been captured.”
Two shadow figures are brought before Who’s Who. He’s drawing his katana to punish them. It seems they are Ulti and Page One because both figures have horns and look similar to them. - Chapter starts with Luffy and his group in the “Aurust Castle”. Giant guards didn’t know where Loki’s key is, so Luffy and the group continue searching. But they can’t find anything since the castle is too big.
- Then they discover the “throne room” and enter it. They notice how there is a hole in the ceiling, and then they see the huge magic circle on the floor.
Luffy: “What is that?”
Nami: “It’s like a magic circle you’d see in some books.
A certain type of ritual in some countries, those that can summon demons or something.”
Road: “Why is something like that in the “royal chamber”…? It’s creepy…!!”
Luffy: “I feel like… I have seen something like this recently…” - Suddenly a voice called out them.
???: “”Straw Hat Luffy”.”
Luffy: “Huh!? Who was that!? The demon!?”
Nami: “Demons don’t exist! Who is it!?”
Road: “Could it be the spirits of the dead~~~!!?” - A huge axe flies at Road who barely dodge it. Then Luffy and Zoro jumps from Road’s hands and Luffy stretches out his arm to grab Nami from falling (after that Luffy entrusts Nami to Zoro, who picks her up in his arms). The mysterious man from last chapter appears sitting on the throne.
Road: “Aaah!! Mr. Ya!! Why are you here!!?”
[Human habitant of Elbaph (former pirate) – “Ya-san”]
Ya-san: “I sensed an abnormal Haki coming from the castle earlier.
It’s not here anymore but instead I found you guys.
I have heard the rumors “Straw Hat Luffy”!! They say you have defeated Kaidou!!
That makes me want to travel to “Wanokuni” again after all these years…” - “Ya-san” is clearly “Scopper Gaban” from “Roger Pirates”. Ya-san has same long hair and wears same sunglasses we already saw in Oden’s flashback, but he has now big long beard (with a braid) and a scar in his forehead (that has a shape similar to a “flame”…). He wears a Hawaiian shirt and shorts too.
- Road explains that Ya-san is Ripley’s husband and Collon’s father, Nami asks how is that possible. Ya-san comes down from the throne and speaks with them.
Ya-san: “Love is freedom!! Races have mixed more than just a few times in history.
Such as the “Buccaneers”, the “Dosundadas”, the “Long Leg-Long Neck tribe”, the “Wotans”…
It’s quite difficult for these hybrid folks to survive, but no matter the era you always have flexible minds…!!”
Zoro: “You seem to know a lot… Who are you?”
Ya-san: “I’m the “Missionary of Love”!!!”
Luffy: “This must be what Sanji is gonna be like when he gets old.
Anyway old man, we are looking for the key to Loki’s chains.”
Road: “You can’t just reveal that!!”
Luffy: “Then that doesn’t count, forget it!!”
Ya-san: “So Loki… I love troubles that are caused by other people!!
Do you know what type of man Loki is? What will you do if the worst situation happens?”
Luffy: “I’m gonna beat him up and lock the key again!!”
Ya-san: “Before “Red Hair” Shanks captured him, no one has been able to stop Loki before. You don’t even know what kind of power he has or how far-reaching could be the damage he can do… Hey, wait!!” - Luffy and Zoro turn around and ignore Ya-san saying his talk is getting too long (lol) Nami says Ya-san is trying to warn them and they should pay attention. Road apologizes to Ya-san.
-Ya-san is shocked initially but he smiles remembering his time with Roger and Rayleigh. Then we can see a little flashback about the 3 of them.
Roger: “I am tired of all the warnings!! You’re scared, right!?”
Rayleigh/Gaban: “That’s not what we said.”
Roger: “If you want to stop me, just try it!!”
Gaban: “We are saying it’s important to know the risks!! Roger you idiot!!”
Ya-san (present): “Road… push that throne.” - Cut to the party in the village. Oimo is talking to Usopp and the others about Ya-san.
Oimo: “Among “Roger Pirates” there are 2 crew members who are exceptionally stronger than others!!”
Usopp: “There is another one besides Rayleigh?”
Oimo: “Yes!! That person once took Roger for treatment in a hospital in the middle of mountains. Unfortunately the hospital was surrounded by enemy pirates…
But that man alone defeated hundreds of enemies with just 2 axes. After the battle, there was not a single tree left on that mountain… Which earn him a nickname: “Mountain Eater” (Yamagurai).” - Back to the “Aurust Castle” in the AMAZING final double page of the chapter. Road carries Luffy and the others in his hands while he’s going down through a secret passage under the throne. The stairs lead to the
secret treasure room.
Nami: “Kyaaa ♡ Ya-san, I love you Treasure ♡”
Luffy: “Treasure!!”
Road: “Mr. Ya, why do you know of this place!?”
Ya-san: “Well exploration is a hobby of mine.” - Group arrive to the treasure room… but all treasures in the room are gone and chests are empty. Only one key remains in the center of the room.
Nami: “Treasu… It’s all just empty boxes!! You liar!!”
Ya-san: “Now now don’t blame it on me..!!
It’s an empty castle after all, you’d expect it to be run through by a few thieves by now. Look at that!!”
Luffy: “The key!!”
Ya-san: “Yes, it is something even those thieves didn’t want…” - But before Luffy can get to the key, Ya-san jumps near it. Then he starts taking off his robe and kasa hat…
Ya-san: “In other words… The “Liberation of Loki” is something even the villains wouldn’t desire.” - Cut again to the party in the village. Oimo and Kashii finish telling the story about the man from “Roger Pirates”.
Oimo: “That man has been living here in Elbaph for over 20 years.”
Straw Hat crew: “What~!? Really~!?”
Oimo/Kashii: “He’s the “legendary figure” equal to Roger and Rayleigh!!”
-Chapter ends with Ya-san/Scopper Gaban holding the key and ready to face Luffy…
Scopper Gaban: “Now, would you be able to take this key?”
Luffy: “Ah?”
Oimo/Kashii: “”The left arm of the Pirate King”!!”
Scopper Gaban: “Take it from me if you think you can!!”
Oimo/Kashii: “Scopper Gaban!!!”
End of chapter.
BREAK next week. One Piece will return in Weekly Shonen Jump #13/2025 (on sale 24th February).
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